Defend The Faith Ministry

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Rewriting the Bible?

A few weeks ago, China revealed that it would be taking on a 10-year project to rewrite the Bible. It is part of the government’s efforts to

What Makes Us Human?

I recently had the opportunity to take my family, along with some close family friends, to visit Washington, D.C. And interestingly, the same question was

Conversations with Unbelievers

The final verses in Matthew’s gospel are some of the final instructions from Jesus to His followers. Jesus commanded them, “Go therefore and make disciples

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What Do People Really Believe?

Earlier this year, the Barna Research group released the results of the 2024 American Worldview Inventory, where a national sample of adults across the US

How Do Plants Do That?

I had the opportunity to be in Dallas, TX a few weeks ago to witness the total solar eclipse. Though heavy cloud coverage threatened to

What Makes Jesus Different?

While many religions have similar moral guidance in their teachings, each religion defines god differently. Some religions define multiple gods, each having a particular power

Is Hell Real?

A few weeks ago, I came across an article by a someone claiming to be a Christian who cast some doubt on the existence of